Saturday, April 14, 2012

4th Annual Cousin Easter Egg Hunt

Kerry and I decided about 4 years ago to begin a new tradition in our family. It seemed that our married kids were busy on Easter Sunday and Sharlene, Kerry's mom, would often invite us for Easter Dinner. So we decided that instead of trying to compete with that, we would try something new... an Easter Egg Hunt for our grandkids. It turned out really fun and so this year, we again decided to continue the hunt. This is Carter (age 1 1/2 ) and Heidi (his mom) looking for eggs. We had to do the egg hunt inside due to snow outside. It was still fun. Kerry and I filled about 250 eggs with candy, toys, and money. They were hidden everywhere in the house, along with about 50 chocolate eggs.This is Nathan carrying Tristan (age 1) around the house during the egg hunt.
This is Kyler (age 5) showing off some of the money he got in his eggs. He has red face paint on from another fun party that day.
This is Courtney (age 9). She made a haul. She found a corner where they little kids wouldn't bother her and she sorted all of her candy, toys and money into piles.
This is Kyla (age 5) looking for eggs. She was very excited.

Aden liked finding eggs too. He and his brother were able to come this year because they have just moved back to Pocatello, Idaho. We were very happy to see them again.
This is just a picture of the living room while everyone was opening their eggs. We invited Sharlene and Don to come and watch. Notice Amiee (in yellow) is 9 months pregnant. We are excitedly waiting for the arrival of our 8 grandchild.
We decided, since we had all seven grandkids in one room, that we better take a photo. We really didn't want to torcher them with having to sit still very long so we just took a couple of quick ones. Carter wasn't very happy, but the rest seemed o.k. to indulged grandma for one quick photo. :) Aren't they cute!! The balloons were found in eggs and so we made them into swords, flowers, etc. It turned out pretty fun. I'm really glad that we had a balloon pump. They were really hard to blow up!

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