Sunday, July 12th was Tayven's Baby Blessing. It was a fun but busy day. Here is a photo of Tayven with Hyrum and Amiee.

Tayven is really easy to coax to a smile. I got LOTS of really cute ones but this is one of my favorites. He was a happy baby all day and was given a beautiful blessing by his daddy.

Kerry spent much of him time on his back wrestling and playing with grandkids. Here is Courtney, Kyler, Kerry, and Aden looking at the clouds and finding shapes.

Kyla was so tired she could barely function - although she was her cute happy self most of the day. This photo is right before she fell sounds asleep in my arms.

Tayven Boyd Denney is the 6th generation of "Boyd" Here is Donald Boyd (great grandpa to Tayven) Kerry Boyd (Grandpa) Hyrum Boyd (Daddy) and Special little guy Tayven Boyd Denney. We are so blessed to have all four generations in the same town for now. Wonderful priesthood holders, fathers and husbands.