Grandma and Tayven enjoying our time together after the pool. We enjoyed having Hyrum, Amiee, Kyla and Tayven join us in Park City this year. We have lots of fun memories getting to know Amiee in this very resort.

We enjoyed spending time with all 5 of our grandchildren in Park City this year. I am so sad that I didn't get my camera out the first couple of days because I don't have a photo of Aden. He was just adorable in the pool and I had the wonderful privledge of putting him to sleep IN THE POOL two days in a row. He was needing a nap and Heidi and Eric went to play tennis so I took Aden with me to the pool and held him tight in the warm water while he laid his head on me and fell fast asleep. It was great fun. This photo is Friday after a full day of swimming. Courtney is holding Tayven. Kyla and Kyler are posing too.

It is my tradition each year on vacation to put a puzzle together. I love puzzles and I always enjoy brining one on vacation. It was so cute and amazing how Kyler loved my puzzle. He said "Grandma you puzzle is beautiful". "Grandma I like your puzzle". Grandma, you have a pretty puzzle". Here Kyla and Kyler are enjoying my puzzle while I try to keep them from touching it :).

Kerry and Kyler having snacks on the couch at the condo.

Kerry and I enjoying each other for a few minutes away from the kids.
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