It was a beautiful day in September - actually Tuesday evening, September 27th, to be exact - when we made the oh so familiar trip to Smithfield, Utah. This time, however, we were not going to transport kids back and forth as we did for so many year. We went to participate in setting Tim apart as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

His Stake President was a wonderful man who loves and knows Tim and gave him a beautiful blessing and set him apart.

The next day, we picked him up at 8:00 in the morning and headed for the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.

It was very nice to get a huge hug to last for two years. Tim was very anxious and so our goodbye was very short... but not too short for a photo and a hug.

Kyrstina was able to go down to Utah with us and here we are right after the setting apart. We hear from Tim every week. He will be in the MTC until the end of November as he is learning the Spanish language. He seems to be happy and working hard. We are proud of him.
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